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Academic Rules in UniSZA

Visi, Misi dan Matlamat



Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar Dan Alumni berhasrat melahirkan siswazah yang berilmu, berketrampilan, berakhlak mulia dan progresif dalam kerangka pembangunan modal insan selari dengan visi dan misi universiti untuk melahirkan ‘pemimpin’ bertaraf dunia.


Untuk menyedia, membina dan mengembangkan aspek perkhidmatan serta pembangunan pelajar yang terbaik dan berkesan bagi melahirkan siswazah yang cemerlang serta berdaya saing seiring dengan hasrat universiti.


Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar Dan Alumni merupakan salah satu bahagian di universiti yang memberikan perkhidmatan secara langsung kepada pelajar-pelajar. Bahagian ini berperanan memastikan sistem pendidikan dapat direalisasikan menerusi aktiviti kokurikulum yang merangkumi sukan, riadah, budaya, seni dan kepimpinan. Selain itu berperanan sebagai penasihat dalam menguruskan aspek kebajikan pelajar bagi melahirkan insan yang seimbang dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani demi faedah insan.


Bachelor Degree in Science (Honours) Aquatic Science (MQA/FA5161)



Bachelor Degree in Science (Honours) Aquatic Science (MQA/FA5161) is the best preparation for a career in the field of aquatic science. This program is an applied science degree that combines basic science and aquatic science fields, and was equipped with adequate amount of practical work. This program is aligned with the needs outlined in Dasar Agromakanan Negara (DAN), 2011-2020 to support the Government’s aim to provide food security and provide income for all.  During the first year of study, students will learn aquatic science system through various fundamental courses like biochemistry, genetic, microbiology, analytical chemistry, ichtiology, oceanography, and limnology. In second and third year, courses like biostatistic, hydrology, principles of aquaculture,  swimming and water safety, biology of mollusks, research method and scientific writing, aquatic engineering, aquatic pollution, agriculture extension, fish feeds and feeding, fish culture, hatchery and farm management, integrated aquaculture, aquaponic, micro anatomy, agriculture economics, fish processing and preservation and biofloc technology. In the final year, students will conduct their research project and will learn issues on aquatic science, aquatic entomology, fish health and disease, ecosystem approach to fisheries management, policy and act, algalogy, communication in agriculture, river management and flood mitigation, fisheries value chain and aquatic toxicology. 

Career Prospects

This program is a knowledge platform for capacity building for skilled human resource in aquatic science. Graduates from this program will be able to work as professionals in aquatic science related industries, agribusiness (technical and consultancy services), health and aquatic animal welfare, marketing, aquaculture, fisheries science and research. 


This degree takes four (4) years with credit graduation requirement of 120.

More information, please refer to the Undergraduate Handbook.

Bachelor of Agribusiness with Honours (MQA/FA5178)

Bachelor of Agribusiness with HonoUrs (MQA/FA5178)


Bachelor Degree of Agribusisness With Honours (MQA/FA5178) is the best career path for agriculture and business disciplines. This study program prepares Agribusiness graduates to become professional agropereneurs and efficient managers handling modern agriculture and natural resouces based firms. This Agribusiness program combined business of agricultural production with essential areas related to agricultural science, food sciences and animal sciences. Agribusiness program prepare students with multidisciplinary courses spanning from fundamental and advanced knowledge on agriculture and commercial food production offered by the university, core courses for specialization, and elective and audit courses.

The educational experiences for this Agribusiness program are purposively and systematically designed to build and accumulate students’ knowlege on and experience in relevant areas throughout the duration of study.

Agribusiness program kick-starts by preparing students with the fundamental courses that include Principles of Economics, Introduction to Agribusiness, Management in Agribusiness, Introduction to Food Science, Accounting Principles, Human Resource Management, Marketing in Agribusiness and Introduction to Agriculture Biotechnology.

Subsequently, during the second and third year of study program, students will engage in educational experiences that are designed based on courses related to Agriculture Economy, Principles of Crop Production, Accounting Management, Principles of Aquaculture, Introduction to Animal Production, Business Statistics, Communications in Agriculture, Post Harvest Technology, Food Supply Chain, Agribusiness, Financial Management, Business Communication, Research Method in Business, Agricultural Extension, Policies and Regulations in Agribusiness, Food Product Development, Business Ethics, Strategic Management, International Business. During the sixth semester, students will be professional trained with Final Year Project I as preparation to embark scientific research for their final year project.

During the seventh semester of the study program, students are required to engage in a hands-on experience of a Final Year Project II. Simultanously, students educational experience are further harness with courses like Farm Management, Paddy Production, Agrostology, and Plan and Management of Agribusiness Project. Upon completing Agribusiness program, in the final semester, students will undergo an Industrial Training as preparation of embarking personal business venture and real life working experience.

Career Prospects

There are many exciting professional career prospects for Agribusiness graduates. Possibilities for future employment in agriculture and business sectors include Managers and Marketing Executive, Bank Executive, Financial Executive, Economy Officer (such as FAMA, LPP), Educator in Higher Education, Research Officer, Administrative Offier, Estate Manager, Agriculture Officer, Agricultural Extension Officer and Agronomy Officer. On top of that, Agribusiness graduates also have high prospects to become the modern Agropreneurs who apply modern and advance biotechnology and agriculture with sustainable concepts in their business operations.


The graduation requirement for Bachelor of Agribusiness with honors is  120 credits that should be completed within four years of study.

More information, please refer to the Undergraduate Handbook.

Bachelor of Plant Breeding Technology with Honours (MQA/PA14309)




Plant Breeding Technology is an important field to increase the diversity, yield and quality of plants through the manipulation of plant genetic resources. The production of new varieties through breeding programs will have a significant impact on the nation economy and social development. New varieties should meet current demand in terms of yield, quality, disease resistance, salt or drought tolerance and suitability for sustainable crop production systems. Therefore, this program is a transdisciplinary program that applies the use of the latest technology in agricultural development from the molecular to the population level and requires knowledge in genetics, agronomy, pest and disease management, physiology, biotechnology, modern farming and agripreneurship of crops produced. In the final year, students will undergo an industrial training and final year project as preparation of embarking real-world scientific research and working experience at the same time.


This program has a combination of technological elements (70%) and core elements (30%) that will be implemented for 3.5 years or 7 semesters. Graduates from this program will obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Technology (BTech) which is recognized by the Malaysian Board of Technology (MBOT) and the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). The program offers an industrial mode (2u2i) where students will be exposed to hands-on research and working experience and groom them to the job market with soft skills.


The graduate will have exciting career prospect in agriculture or biotechnology fields. Among the careers including plant breeders, farm managers, agronomists, agropreneurs, agricultural consultants, biotechnologists, agricultural officers, research officer and science officers at research institutes, universities, and government sector.


The candidate will complete this program in three and half (3.5) years with a total credit of 123.

More information, please refer to the Undergraduate Handbook.

Journal of Agrobiotechnology

Journal Agrobiotech


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