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The faculty is officially established by founder Dean, Professor Dr. Abdul Manaf bin Ali on July 1, 2006, with a total intake of 25 students to be incorporated into the programme with a Bachelor of Agricultural Biotechnology. This is to meet the goal for producing well-trained graduates and post-graduates in the field of Food Science and to provide agricultural extension activities to the local population in Malaysia. At this time, the faculty offers courses leading to a Bachelor of Agricultural Biotechnology, Bachelor of Food Technology,  Bachelor of Animal Production and Health, Bachelor of Agribusiness and Bachelor of Aquatic Science.

Postgraduate students can register for the Master of Science (MSc) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) under research programmes by the university Graduate School ( Research programs in this faculty are responses in several laboratories with supervision from lecturers in various fields of Agriculture and Food Science. The faculty is directly involved in implementing Corridor Economic Region (ECER), the new economic territory covering several states in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia for the period of 2007 to 2020.

Info & Procedures


  1. Carta Organisasi Pengurusan Makmal FBIM 2018
  2. Senarai Pegawai Makmal FBIM 2018
  3. Senarai Pegawai Aset FBIM 2018
  4. Senarai Pegawai Penerima Aset FBIM 2018
  5. Peraturan Umum Makmal FBIM 2018


  1. Prosedur Permohonan Penggunaan Makmal di Luar Waktu Pejabat 2018
  2. Prosedur Penggunaan Alat Asas Makmal FBIM 2018
  3. Prosedur Permohonan Penggunaan Alat Berteknologi dan Sensitif di Makmal 2018
  4. Prosedur Peminjaman Alat Mudah Alih di Makmal 2018
  5. Prosedur Pendaftaran Penggunaan Makmal untuk Pelajar Tahun Akhir 2018
  6. Prosedur Tempahan Bahan Kimia/Pakai Habis/Kaca dari Stor 2018
  7. Prosedur Permohonan Penggunaan Makmal oleh Pensyarah/Pelajar Pascasiswazah/Pembantu Penyelidik/Pengguna Luar 2018

International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC 2016)

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera

Kepada warga UniSZA yang dihormati sekalian,

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Pusat Pengajian Siswazah (PPS) akan mengadakan
'International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC 2016)' bertemakan
'Empowering  the Quality of Postgraduate Studies' sepertimana berikut:

Tarikh : 8 hingga 10 Oktober 2016 (Sabtu hingga Isnin)
Tempat : Dewan Perdana, UniSZA Kampus Gong Badak

Sehubungan dengan itu, warga UniSZA yang berminat dijemput hadir ke
persidangan berikut.  Muat turun lampiran boleh dibuat di

Sekian, harap maklum.

b.p Pengarah
Unit Komunikasi Korporat & Antarabangsa (UKKA)
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
Kampus Gong Badak

Tel: 6688946/8951
Faks : 09-6687869



The Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry was established on 1st of July 2006. The establishment of this faculty is designed to produce professional human resources in agriculture for the continuation of the food supply in Malaysia. This is to support the government which has identified agriculture as "third engine growth". Application of science and technology in agriculture is identified as a cause for increasing in meeting the country's food security. Due on parallel effort, the faculty was actively conducted three core functionalities of teaching, research and service to the community for development.

Kolokium Pelajar Siswazah FBIM

Tarikh : 29 Jan 2015 (Khamis) 
Masa :10.00 pagi – 12.00 tghr
Tempat : Dewan Auditorium FBIM, Kampus Tembila
Semua Kakitangan Akademik FBIM dijemput hadir


Journal of Agrobiotechnology

Journal Agrobiotech


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